dizhn 2 hours ago

It's just a specific case where Discord refused to comply with a second subpoena from a particular Korean company. The article's title makes it sound like a general thing.

jeffwask 8 hours ago

Good. I'm glad. It was getting ridiculous. My wife and I are gamers. It's what we do to relax we'll often stream a movie or TV show through discord and watch together while tooling around in a game. There was a constant battle with automated copy protection that would work on some sites / shows and not others. We started doing this a lot with friends during the pandemic and having movie nights and watching stuff as a group. It's no different than sitting on my couch with friends.

  • throwaway314155 7 hours ago

    This never happened to me and I similarly watched several shows with friends in this manner.

    What does it look like when they detect copyright material? Do you just get disconnected?

    • RickS 3 hours ago

      IDK how much E2EE from discord will help, not only because the DMCA requests are targeted at text links not covered by AV E2EE, but also because in my experience it's less about streams detecting content, and more often content detecting being streamed. Amazon is particularly cagey about this. Playback is copy protected via widevine etc, and gets spooked even by legitimate use cases such as trying to AirPlay a browser window on my laptop to an apple TV across the room. The browser seems to be able to detect and pass on information about whether the screen is being mirrored, cast, etc. I would expect that whatever system utils discord's screen capture service hooks into would snitch to the browser, with little possible recourse by discord (short of doing something dropbox-like where they roll their own screen scrapers but try to pass it off as a normal system util [0]).

      Honorable mention to HDCP cabling, wherein two copy-protection-compliant (lol) devices might purposefully refuse playback when a cable manufacturer has failed to pay an annual ransom to Intel [1].

      [0] https://applehelpwriter.com/2016/07/28/revealing-dropboxs-di...

      [1] https://www.cablematters.com/Blog/HDMI/what-is-hdcp-the-comp...

      Funny enough, that link about dropbox fuckery was entirely unsurfaced when I tried to search "dropbox imitate system dialog" on google, which said there were 10 pages of results on page 1, but then quit halfway down page 2. Russian search service Yandex returned the HN discussion as the first result for the same query. What a world when the best way to find uncensored content in America is to ask the freakin Russians.

crtasm 7 hours ago

Correct title: Discord Disputes DMCA Subpoena, Rejects Role as ‘Anti-Piracy’ Partner

blackeyeblitzar 8 hours ago

It looks like the court could come back to compel Discord. So what Discord has really done is made it more expensive for this other company to do what they may do anyways.