I have been maintaining a semi-successful blog [1] for the last five years and have learned a few things along the way:
- Own your content: Medium, Substack, Hashnode, Dev.to—all of them suck. Your readers deserve better. Don’t waste their time.
- No one cares about the technology behind your site unless it’s huge. So it should be the least of your concerns. Don’t be that JS guy who rewrites their entire site every week in a different stack and writes a blog post about it.
- Consistently writing is a lot of work, and there’s no way around it.
- Picking a niche and writing about it yields better results than trying to write about anything and everything.
- No one will probably read it for a long time, and that’s okay. You should write only for yourself in the beginning.
- POSSE is the way to go. If you don’t promote your work, no one else will.
- That said, if it took less time to write than it would take someone to read, it’s probably not worth writing.
> If you don’t promote your work, no one else will.
This has not been my experience. If you do interesting things then there are plenty of people who are willing to bring attention to it. I've been cold-emailed by journalists wanting to interview me without ever doing anything other than a) make my work publicly accessible and b) collaborate with like-minded people.
Perhaps I'm lucky (probably). Perhaps my work would've gotten more attention if I spent more effort promoting it (probably). The things I do because I find them interesting are not things I feel the need to promote, because I'm not doing them for attention.
If your goal is to grab a lot of attention, you will inexorably have to do things that are not interesting because the only way to achieve broad appeal is to not offend anyone's tastes and the only way to do that is to be bland.
>> If you don’t promote your work, no one else will.
> This has not been my experience. If you do interesting things then there are plenty of people who are willing to bring attention to it. I've been cold-emailed by journalists wanting to interview me without ever doing anything other than a) make my work publicly accessible and b) collaborate with like-minded people.
Both of those are promoting your work so it is your experience. Your experience just has been that you haven't had to put much work into promoting your work so it doesn't feel like promoting your work to you.
I witnessed a memorable moment at work when an engineer responded to a VP and started by saying “careful.” Had it been another engineer, it would have been ignored as authoritative-sounding filler. But the VP did not take it well.
Do you mind explaining why this was problematic? I'm working to track down things that I say that might be interpreted in ways other than I intend, and this sounds like a mistake I would make. What's the problematic message that's being sent here from the engineer to the VP?
I suspect that the issue here is that either the VP was insecure or that the engineer said it in an accusatory way (or both).
In all likelihood, the engineer meant "that approach/idea/decision has risks we should consider." The VP likely heard "you are suggesting something wrong/dangerous/ignorant."
A nuance here is that the engineer probably implied that "(We should be) careful (in our consideration)" and the VP perceived "(You need to be) careful (and you don't seem to be)"
As stated by another response, it says the speaker thinks the listener is careless.
It also places the speaker in a position of authority, admonishing someone who is still learning. "Careful!" is what we say to children. A high-status person may be particularly sensitive to this, but nobody likes to be talked down to. As I alluded, I hear this amongst engineers and filter it out as verbal fluff, so there are cases where it is ok.
An easy alternative to "careful" is "I'm not sure about that" or even "I disagree." Both are what peers would say to each other. In scenarios where a high-status person is not receptive to being talked to as a peer, well, you get to add all the deference and qualification you need to, but it comes down to stating disagreement in a non-disagreeable way.
You say careful, and their ego probably hears you calling them careless. Careless is typically an avoided behavior so this hurts them. They view themselves as careful and wise. You think they're dumb. (Not necessarily a syllogism, but the ego is weird)
I'm possibly paraphrasing and simplifying too much but "How to Win Friends and influence People" mentions being very cautious about correcting people, more so correcting them publically, even when you are correct.
- It's generally easier for people to know what they _don't_ like than what they _do_. Preferences are defined by process of elimination.
- The commonality is: get lots of people on the same page about you, and you've got a big audience / broad appeal. But the most engaged audience is the one who has strong emotions attached, so being an offender guarantees a ravenous audience … and is generally easier.
When people give advice to content creators in the form of "when you do interesting things" my brain immediately jumps to one question; how do you know what other people consider interesting?
Honest question, because I am just starting out, myself. I have a small blog where I share my opinions and projects related to technology I enjoy. However, if I were to do a thought experiment and assume my audience is HN readers, I'd hesitate to say anyone here would find my posts very interesting. I like them, but I am not sure who else would.
I genuinely do not understand how to evaluate an audience, so I just write what I like to write and hope for the best.
I know people here don't like site analytics, but for this one it's pretty good.
Setup Matomo or similar analytics software, write about a bunch of topics and review after a year which topics your readers are most interested in, for which they search on your site etc.
>Don’t be that JS guy who rewrites their entire site every week in a different stack and writes a blog post about it.
seems like a perfectly reasonable idea for a blog about different stacks. I'm not advocating it, but there's nothing wrong with it if that's what interests you.
OP is saying don’t be the person who says they want to write about Frogs, but who then spends an immense amount of effort not writing about Frogs, and writing about procrastination instead.
That close minded opinion you quoted left a bad taste in my mouth and makes me not want to check the OP's blog out.
Almost every opinion people have has been covered by someone else in some way unless you are working at the forefront of something, so it usually depends on how you value-add to existing things with your own experience.
It's also that sort of I-know-what's-better attitude that turns a personal thing into a competitive thing.
Yep. The success metric isn’t unidimensional here. Having external readers is just a cherry on top. I didn’t even think anyone else would find my writings interesting, let alone useful.
Often, the only reason I write is to have a method of sorting out the soup of thoughts in my head into a recognisable shape, with the accountability that being public brings to it (no, you can't have the link to my site!).
Strong disagree on Medium, Substack, etc. There are very famous and popular blogs on both with tons of followers. My sister asked for a blog, I steered her to substack. Zero effort, just works.
> Your readers deserve better. Don’t waste their time.
Nothing about substack wastes readers time.
Conversely, what wastes their time is your site being down or hacked and what wastes your time is maintaining your blog's infra, updating because vulnerabilities, and/or using bad UIs like blogging from github (maybe passable for nerds, not for non-nerds)
A blog isn't about the tech you use. It's about the writing. Worrying about tech is not going to add a single reader to your blog.
Substack is trash. VC-backed, full of tracking pixels and privacy-invading anti-features, constant push to monetize, cross-promote and increase engagement... Every blogger who has moved there has gotten less interesting than they were when they were independent. It's everything that is wrong about social media cynically branded as some kind of alternative media outlet.
Of course there is plenty of money to be made as a social media influencer who specializes in long form content, and if that's the career a person is interested in building then sure - Substack, Medium, whatever - great choice. But for people who are interested in blogging as it used to be, independent writers who want to write without the pressure of editors, without paywalls, without popups, without forcing their readers into signup funnels... It might be a bit more work to set up, but tools like WordPress, Ghost etc are better suited.
> if it took less time to write than it would take someone to read, it’s probably not worth writing.
Disagree. If it took less thinking than it will take reading, then yes, probably not worth it. But if you can trim your writing to the pith in every paragraph or even line, people will love you.
Too many people babble to keep the underlying lies and fraud and their complicity burried in narratives.
> trim your writing to the pith in every paragraph or even line
This takes a lot of time. Writing concisely is much more challenging and time-consuming than writing verbosely. Writing unnecessarily long essays means that your readers end up spending more time reading them than you did writing them.
As Blaise Pascal wrote: "I only made this letter longer because I had not the leisure to make it shorter."
I like this post about the value of brevity that starts with “disagree”, immediately agrees with what it’s responding to, and then goes on to talk about a completely unrelated thing
You can if yountype complicated tjings and include typos that make it hard to decode anything much less a run on sentence like this that includes redundancies and extra meaningless words saying the same thing which is easy to type but takes ages to read.
You don't have to type. I wrote some things with hundreds of links then assumed the reader was at least somewhat familiar with the set of links above each paragraph. I may even try keep opinions out of it (less effort) and simply paint a context with references for the reader to do their own thinking.
> POSSE is the way to go. If you don’t promote your work, no one else will.
I agree but when I tried this a few weeks ago, it looked like a lot of work to publish on my own blog and then replicate everywhere else. I didn't find a good tool and got lost trying out fediverse stuff.
You don't need some fancy tech. Blogs have been around for 30+ years and function just fine on such old tech. The only new tech you should use is certbot and own your own domain.
Write in markdown and serve directly, or export to HTML. Or write in LibreOffice Writer and export to HTML.
Upload HTML to a basic webserver. You don't need a fancy load balancer or denial-of-human-system or anything.
You make this sound trivial, but I did this (not with a blog per se, but with a silly one-shot parody website I made for fun) and the first time it got posted on HN it exceeded my hosts bandwidth limits in the first hour despite only having a handful of images. Unless you never write anything popular, you at least need a static host like github pages or a cdn or something behind it.
> Unless you never write anything popular, you at least need a static host like github pages or a cdn or something behind it.
No, you just need a host that doesn't have ridiculously small limits. You can easily find find hosts with limits in hundreds of GB, or TB, or even unmetered. You can find them for free, and you can find them for quite cheap compared to most technologists' incomes.
Were each image 1 MB? My rule of thumb is to have smaller pictures in the page and to link to their full size if needs be. If your webpage exceed a ebook in size while not having more features, there’s a wrong decision made somewhere.
The non-blog parts of my site [1] are in XML and I use xsltproc to generate HTML. It's technically a static-site generator. It works, but my God, is XSLT a verbose (functional) language.
...it's basically a janky (possibly insecure?) perl-cgi-script which converts a directory of markdown files into a blog.
I love the idea of it in that it's just markdown files! `vim ~/blog/entries/some-random-thought.txt` end ups with $AUTHOR of `chown`, $DATE of the file modification time, tree of `mkdir -p ~/blog/entries/some/category` ... it's just trivial to backup, restore, and work with. You can even (probably) hook it up to a static regen which is probably safer: http://blosxom.com/documentation/users/install/static/
The link to datasette is if you're wanting to nerd around a bit more, as it's kindof a combo of sqlite and a web server for rendering data from within it. The linked github repo is how their main site is built/rendered and it definitely has aspects of "blogginess", and you can kindof see how it's done. The neat thing of `let tags = "SELECT DISTINCT tags FROM posts"` or transforming blogging into effectively updating/adding records in a database is an extension of the blosxom zen of "it's just files [records], yo! go forth and edit them..."
The best writing advice I ever got was from a college professor—"everybody's got 100 bad essays in them. You just have to get them out."
I feel like this is what blogging is especially good for. You can clear out the awful stuff and then try to incrementally improve.
I would diametrically disagree with point #7—if you want to write well, you need to revise the hell out of it. I guess pick whose writing you like better, between me and the author, and take the corresponding advice.
My technique is Da Vinci method just collect / discover lot of shiny pieces. Then stitch them together later. Develop these pieces separately like colored glass pieces in a mosaic, sort of inversion of divide and conquer, collect and assemble.
I was doing this, and then it is confusing for people to follow. Nowadays I do this, too. But when I am ready, I write up everything once, then add in the details.
Yeah, I've been collecting many bits on my obsidian notes but I'm still in the stage of mostly dreaming of putting them together. But it is very interesting to see what thoughts i deem worthy of recording and which i don't. It's helped me significantly to form a coherent understanding of the world and politics, and i suspect one day it'll help me with finding novel research for my PhD
While I agree, I know it can be hard to start writing as well, because you are so worried about the quality. One of my professors from college brought up a great point that "No one will read your shitty first draft except you."
I find that phrase very helpful, because usually when I write, the first draft is always a giant mess. But you're able to craft it and edit it the best way that you can. So you can push out what you think is good work, and continue to improve as you write more.
It is very scary. Oddly that makes blogs kind of a good place to start, since almost no one will find them or read them. It's public writing, but a lot less nerve-wracking than putting yourself out there in other formats (like forum posts).
I don't consider myself a writer, but it sounds like you do.
I find forum posts far, far less nerve-wracking than a blog post. For me, a forum post is almost like how the original article describes a chat: it feels closer to realtime, and feels easier, because it's just like playing a normal role in a conversation. It's normally a response to something, expecting a response.
A blog post feels closer to a formal publication, and I feel like they're more expected to stand on their own, without the justification and context helpfully provided by others' posts.
It’s better to get those bad essays out in the form of comments, you get instant feedback and you’ll know what works and what doesn’t work when you go to write a real blog.
In high school I did a report on a local poet and author.
What struck me back then was he said in an interview that you need to go through at least a thousand sheets of paper before you start producing anything good.
As a high schooler dreading to write a 4 page report on the guy, a thousand pages sounded ludicrous.
This is what I tend to use HN/Reddit comments for... I know I would probably be better off writing a blog, but I'm too busy procrastinating to make that happen.
I've been blogging for just over 20 years at this point, my main takeaways
1) Blog for yourself and no-one else. Write things up because you find them interesting or you learned something. Trying to second-guess things like what will be popular or get engagement is not a fun time for what is likely to be a hobby.
2) Keep it low maintenance and simple publishing process. I use Github pages and Jekyll, but other similar options are available.
3) If you're doing technical content, try to have practical examples. I've had multiple times where I thought I knew how something worked and, in the process of writing a blog with practical examples, found out I was wrong about how it worked!
Point 3 is very important and something that needs to be done more often. I would also say have someone who works in the domain you're writing about read it and give feedback.
1) Main reason is that if I've spent time working something out, I can save other people the time doing that, by writing down the details in a searchable place.
2) If I want to explain something to someone, it's easy if I can just point them to a blog I've already written
3) (bit of an unintended consequence) It helped get me my last two jobs :D Being able to point to a long history of technical blog posting was relevant when I got a job in advocacy as that's one of the necessary skills.
Sometimes you talk to someone (possibly online, usually about a shared interest), and they ask you what your thoughts are on X. Then you can just link them, if you have written on X (or related).
Sometimes others want to express a (non trivial) idea to someone else, and your writing may be the best thing they know that gets the message across. Then they can send it.
Sometimes (or rather, always) your idea and writing is not the best or final thought you have on the subject. But it is not until someone has read and commented/replied (thoughtfully) that you understand what the next refinement is.
And then there is serendipity, just putting it out there to see what might (or might not) come of it.
Plus maybe one finds it motivating to have it actually accessible for others. As a clear goal and a standard to hold each piece to.
I echo the other responses to your question. Just recently I had two instances where an old blog post of mine contained a solution to a problem a coworker encountered. I publish these notes mostly so that I don't forget about them, but it's an added degree of satisfaction when it proves helpful to others. I wrote a bit about this in one of my recent posts [1]. Don't be afraid of the rabbit holes!
> I should add, for context, that my friend and I are talking about writing beautiful essays here. If you want to write the most precise thing possible, you need to edit mercilessly and accept that the writing ends up flat and disjointed.
I don't think that merciless editing and beauty are opposed. The author perhaps underestimates the extent to which artists mercilessly edit their own work. The author employs the metaphor of musical improvisation, but the best musical pieces are usually composed, not improvised. I like jazz, but... not for the songwriting. For stream of consciousness writing, you'd almost be better off posting on social media.
I've been blogging for over 15 years, and my advice, admittedly ironic, is to not take advice from anyone. Actually, that's my advice on many subjects. Everyone wants to impose their own little idiosyncrasies on you, but what works for them won't necessarily work for you. One's idiosyncrasies are not universal truths.
This is a question more people need to ask. Be it a blog, YouTube channel, podcast, or whatever else, they all need to be rooted in having something worth to sharing to some small piece of the world.
Many people get caught up in thinking the blog, YouTube, or podcast is the thing, when it’s just the thing that lets you share the real thing. It took me longer than I’d like to admit to really integrate this lesson.
That sounds like a chicken/egg scenario: how are you supposed to know if you have something worth sharing without producing that something first to make that assessment?
I think putting more questions and uncertainty in the way of actually just writing/podcasting/youtubing is what stops a lot of people really building the habit in the first place.
That’s just it, a lot of people want to write, podcast, or be a YouTuber, but they struggle with ideas. They want to use the medium, but they don’t have content ideas. The “real thing” I was talking about is the overarching theme or topic. What are you into, what are you going to write, podcast, or make videos about?
I think understanding what you want to share helps solve the major stumbling block that leads to thousands of blogs with one entry that is effectively hello-world. If told to draw anything, most people will sit with a blank page. However, if they are told to draw a castle, those bounds give them the freedom to start and create, and it can evolve from there.
What are you into to? What hobbies do you have? What do you know, or have opinions about, that others might be interested in? This is your theme, the “real thing”. Writing, podcasting, or video production, without this usually falls flat after 1 or 2 attempts, and it makes it impossible for a habit to form.
If you’re already into something and doing it on a regular basis, then you’re just writing about, talking about it, or recording what you’re already doing or thinking about all the time anyway. The content and ideas can flow more easily, especially at the beginning. Not to mention, being more motivated to make the content, since it’s already a passion.
So many people are trying to make content about nothing, because they aren’t really doing anything else… and this is where friction is born. Do something you find interesting, then share that thing and your perspective on it. Start with the doing, not the sharing (writing, podcasting, and YouTubing is the sharing).
Hopefully this clarifies what I was getting at and resolves the chicken/egg thoughts.
You're supposed to be capable of introspection and ask yourself "would I truly be interested in what I want to write? Do I even have an idea of what I want to write?" before writing anything...
there are two types of blogs - sincere ones, where the author pours out his soul and talks about what he can't keep to himself, possibly raising some important issues, trying to convey them to the masses, and SEO blogs - where there are excrements of hashtags, advertising slogans, constant repetitions, and requests to throw a bone (support the project, you haven't supported the project yet? you can do it here, well, or here! did I forget to tell you that you can support the project? by the way, one more thing - support the project!). Such ones are immediately banned. I am also very annoyed by those who are already looking for a place for a banner from the first minutes of the site's existence. you will not survive in this world without this cent? 10 bucks a month - payment for personal shame?
all this conversion and optimization of texts for search engines turns bloggers into robots, and it is simply impossible to read the texts, they are not human, they are as if created by neural networks. who needs this hypocrisy?
i think you're exactly right. but to blog with zero SEO in mind sounds foolish as well.
you should blog, and by a blog definition that is going on the internet. to get more people to read it (often the goal) the easiest thing to do is utilize the tool people use to find things on the internet (search engines).
if there are issues with spam, keyword stuffing, forever run-on paragraphs of nothingness, well that is the search engine algorithm's job to fix. And they have a lot of money to fix it.
and if they don't fix it we should use a new search engine. it'll take time. but those seem like the dynamics at play in this scenario.
“Do you want to be a Writer, or do you want to write?” I think that almost any question of the form “Do you want to be an Xer, or do you want to X” is useful these days.
100%. As a kid growing up near a golf course I knew lots of kids who wanted to be a pro golfer (me too). Did they want to spend 10 hrs a day at the range hitting ball after ball? Not so much. Lots of people want to be Warren Buffett - do they want to read 10-ks for 10 hrs a day? Not so much.
what the gp is getting at is that back in the day there were people who wanted to be in a band not out of any particular musical talent or even inclination but because a lot of their friends were doing it and it looked like a cool thing to do.
Your question got me thinking about supermarket bulletin boards. I recall them from way back as busy places with lots of notes attached, but last year or thereabouts I remember seeing a small bulletin board with one note attached and thinking how unusual it was.
Speaking from experience, start by building some tools to make blog publishing more pleasant— build a markdown processor in your favorite language, then write your own syntax highlighting and html parser / transformer, then benchmark and optimize the heck out of it, then decide blogging isn’t all that interesting, and write some games instead.
> (I should add, for context, that my friend and I are talking about writing beautiful essays here. If you want to write the most precise thing possible, you need to edit mercilessly and accept that the writing ends up flat and disjointed.)
There speaks someone who has never spent time writing poetry, and probably isn't very good at editing.
Why do you insist on only using the middle third of my screen to display content?
I'm over 50 and my eyes are not quite what they used to be. Your 12pt (ish) text is largely legible to me but why do you insist on your idea of presentation, rather than mine?
The whole point of the www as far as I recall is that you send a message and I receive it. How it is formatted should largely be a matter for the recipient, with some hints from the sender.
> Why do you insist on only using the middle third of my screen to display content?
You can always read these posts in Reader Mode on your browser and adjust the text size, paragraph width etc. Even on this site, I have to magnify the display to 130% to view comfortably on a hiDPI screen.
The reason why most blogs are narrow is because blog templates are still from the 2000s in terms of how they show content on desktop . Traditionally the right hand third of the screen would display ads or a blog roll, while the left hand third would show the site's navigation .
Over time this changed, but what stayed the same was showing body text in the central third columns.
- everybody limits it. This is because no matter the size of your screen, the human eyes are somewhat limited to lines of 70-130 characters. Higher than that, and your eyes have hard time finding the next line at the end of the previous one because the travel is too high. As a web page writer, you need to take care of that, because the default presentation will be bad for everyone if you don't.
- as it happens, the author uses Subtrack so they might not even have picked that size consciously.
- reader mode works on this page, so you can use this to read the post the way you want, and if you like the content and would like to read it regularly, there is an RSS feed that you can use with a client that displays posts the way you want.
The last point is why separate style sheets and correctly structured content are so nice: if you have such a strong opinion, you can tweak stuff or even ignore the style sheet and use yours. And reader mode actually makes that practical for most blog posts / articles.
(that said, I agree that the width seems particularly small, I replaced it with 80ex just to try and it looked better to me - but I just set up a new WordPress website and the default 2025 theme has the same ~730px width for the content, I don't know what's with this default size)
> human eyes are somewhat limited to lines of 70-130 characters. Higher than that, and your eyes have hard time finding the next line at the end of the previous one because the travel is too high.
That's unfortunately a common myth even re regular text (even more so re code with all the extra structural helps) that's responsible for a lot of vertical space waste.
But at any rate you can adjust your window to whatever is comfortable, no need for the author to incorrectly guess what's best for you
> That's unfortunately a common myth even re regular text
A common myth that seems quite well researched [1], no? Do you have some evidence of the contradictory?
> you can adjust your window to whatever is comfortable
Websites all have different layouts, you'd have to change the window width (and/or zoom level) for each website. That would be quite clunky… on devices where it's at all possible.
Forcing users to resize their windows constantly is not a nice alternative.
But it isn't well researched, that's precisely the myth that in these areas there's solid science with precise thresholds! I've read your article and it includes many gems such as max line length of 80 cpl, which is useless to determine whether a line of 150 is bad. Or it suffers from a universal issue of this kind science - tiny sample sizes or unrepresentative composition (the perennial college student, here goes your reading skill diversity relevant for making broad conclusions about human eyes). Or it ignores that length isn't everything, there is also density (some research did vary it, but even then it was only doubling), which a simple cpl count used in many cited papers doesn't measure
And the main factor against long lines is errors returning to the next line's beginning.
First, what's the well researched level drop between 130 and 150 for a person with a high reading skill level?
Then, have they "well researched" such simple typographical guides as the varying line widths (check out the layout of this very article, note that it's not rectangular, but one side is continuously growing in length, cool trick!). Or having some alternating line markers at line beginning/end to make visual match easy (similar, but not identical, to tables where you have full line highlighted)?
Maybe the most efficient reading is at line length of 333 with line guides and semantics guides (like those bionic reading extensions) at higher text density? You could be missing out on +10% speed bump and 4% comprehension level! And the head movements would also reduce muscle strain from a prolonged fixed head/neck position! Or maybe the very best is even higher 1234 but requires some curved ultrawide monitor to fit you whole peripheral vision and immerse you in the text without other visual distractions? I'd be curious to know what the real scientific eye limits are when it comes to reading.
But also efficiency isn't the only important metric for casual reading of web blogs, while a lot of research focused on that. There was some research about user perception that found no difference between line lengths. So there is that.
I also don't get why would you ever need to adjust window width per website? Say, for me the best line length is max 133 at font size 14 and char spacing X. So if I set my window at about this width so that no more text fits, and it reflows, I'm set. Yes, there are sites that disrespect user font size preferences, which would require zooming (or reading plugin), but this true regardless of the max width preferences, and also they would disrespect whatever the width guidelines are.
So IIUC, for you, evidence is weak and we don't actually know either way and we haven't explored alternatives to limiting light length enough that could help comprehension and speed. Fair enough.
> I also don't get why would you ever need to adjust window width per website?
Because websites define different margins, may have a side menu, or two... There might be stuff around the content that take width. And responsive designs may worsen the effect.
1) Because sometimes you are right about something and it's nice to show that you were thinking about it ahead of time. An example would be my prediction in 2023 (which is fairly late in all fairness,) that one of the most important improvements in AI in the near future would be the ability to interact with any GUI as if it was an API.
2) Because often you are wrong about something and having it written down and in public will keep you honest about hindsight bias. An example would be predictions I made about lasting impacts of the pandemic on how we approach healthcare and minimizing respiratory infections in general.
I've been putting off starting a blog to document my side projects for a long time. Finally having it up feels great - it motivated me to organize my thoughts and publish rather than letting them sit as unstructured notes.
The article spends a good amount of time suggesting how to write better blog posts over time, which I appreciate, but the title doesn't fit as well as it could.
I feel the title should be more about 'how to write better blog posts over time' or something. I was expecting to hear advice more about creating or maintaining a blog itself, which is more than just writing (in my mind) -
The site pulls a bitdefender warning about malicious something or another, not sure what the trigger is.
I've commented elsewhere about blog software since on HN this inevitably comes up on similar threads.
Might have to make a more well rounded wordpress blog stuff that includes backups, securing and hosting considerations then submit a more complete article at some point.
Point 13, ironically, reminds me of one of the best bits of writing[1] I ever did. I somehow lost an entire near-complete draft[2] of an article, so I had to write it again from scratch. It came out much, much better than the original.
Be OK if 95-99% of your content gets zero engagement. That's fine, if you're writing for yourself first and foremost.
Accept that you will work on a cool personal project for a long time (months, at least), and will then write a blog post showcasing that work - and no one will care. Over. And. Over. Again. Very humbling, but a good exercise in evaluating your original motive to work on the project.
I pretty much agree with all that. I'd add, is this something you want to do or are you looking to make money? If the latter, don't bother. You MAY want to separate a business blog and personal stuff but I'm not yet sold on that being a good idea unless you're really serious about a separate business identity. (Still muddling that one. I may re-merge.)
I have a very different view. I think quality takes effort, and unless you are extremely gifted, or extremely practiced as a writer (i.e., you've done it professionally for years) what you write as a first draft is probably terrible.
As such, if you actually want to produce text worth reading, you'll need to spend (a lot of) time editing and critiquing each draft you write.
I also think the world abounds with supposedly quirky people, who think that that is enough. It is (almost certainly) not enough.
Unless you are incredibly unusual and individualistic, your quirckyness is not sufficient to make your work worth reading. The problem is that there are lots of interesting, unusual and deep people, and some of them also spend a huge amount of time and effort on the craft of writing.
This is good advice! I had a personal blog for a while which nobody read, but lately my Medium articles have gathered hundred of reads (writing down stuff I figured out in side projects nobody else bothered to write down).
Pleased. One of my main motivations in writing open source software is to create training data for future sentient things. I felt that way decades before LLMs. I am as proud to know my code ended up in training datasets as I am to know that my human students took a little away from the classes I've taught.
You can’t worry about it. It’s the world we live in now. The alternative is to not write anything of significance on the internet, which would be of no benefit to anyone.
The comment literally just said "you can't worry about it, it's the world we live in". That's the point, you can't just use the second part as an excuse to not fight battles or changing. Because that sort of requires worrying about things.
Pissed. Almost everything I publish online is licensed, usually in a copy-left manner.
These companies are violating that agreement for their own gain, and respond to any pushback by invoking bogus legal arguments and ridiculous machine anthropomorphism. Brute force statistical analysis is not "learning."
People donate their bodies for science after death. I am ready to donate my thoughts. My thoughts are just clever rearrangement of already existing ideas, just like my body is of atoms.
Don't care, although in the old days I declared a CC BY (attribution) license[1] on my blog. The fact many of these models cannot do basic attribution-- this is a very serious shortcoming, that potentially may affect the availability of fair use.
It's already a real problem that the organic blogosphere was destroyed by "blogspam" and overt plagiarism of entire blogs into content farms that existed purely to push SEO, including SEO over the original blog. AI just makes this worse.
I'm also worried that if I wanted to find an audience the audience would first have to navigate the AI search hall of mirrors.
I maintain a blog that I write myself, and a blogging bot on a separate site/domain, which I run as an exercise/sandbox.
They both get traffic. Neither site is optimised for SEO. Looking at analytics (Matomo on my blog, Google Analytics for the bot), the stuff I write myself gets "real" visitors. People will stumble on a project, and you can see them navigate to the next article, and the next article.
The content from the bot isn't engaging - people might stumble on it, then bounce.
Absent search, interesting content gets shared. Blog spam does not.
I don't worry too much about my content being used to train LLMs - I don't feel it takes away from me, it a bit feels like content getting indexed by a search engine. And I see value, for me, in just creating it.
it does make it worse. but it will get better IMO.
any blogspam house is not going to last the next 5-10 years IMO.
as soon as i do something slightly spammy or excessive SEO-wise i get dinged for it. within 1-2 days. then i re-evalute what i did and revert it or change the strategy slightly.
those blogspam houses are just doing a few things right that are clearly being given too much weight.
and finding an audience was never easy. but social, newsletter, building free tools that link to your blog are some ways to do different than just SEO.
I have a blog that admittedly does not get much traffic, and I have started to add random words after each paragraph. The background is white, and these words are white, so they are invisible to most people. Maybe it is not that effective, but it makes me feel better.
All of these replies say don’t worry about it and just blog but I say detect the IPs and user agents and return a scrambled post. If you’re small enough they probably won’t care to go the extra effort to scrape you.
- or `add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘my_scramble_func’)`
Wordpress is PHP so you get the power of doing whatever as the request loads.
`Template_redirect` would allow you to redirect to a specific template/page.
`the_content` would allow you to return different content for that path.
Then you just need to check the user-agent/IP. I’m sure there’s a PHP library you could install with composer to do this.
What would be fun in my opinion is leaving the metadata the same but replacing only the meat. For example article titled “How to Update Your Blog” would still have the title and headings, but then return “<h2>Step one: open your blog editor</h2><p>hajfineidif hahahe lorem ipsum…</p>” for the paragraphs.
I don't like the idea of intellectual theft without attribution/citation. If it is shared publicly/into the public domain, I believe the least that should happen is attribution/citation where possible - especially if a for-profit entity is using the content.
On the other side, for many of my thoughts/ideas/creativity, I find it is often a question of, do I die alone with it in my head or put it out there, maybe for someone to find, use or be inspired by? If it's a question of one or the other, I think perhaps I'd rather let it go free so the value isn't lost (assuming, that what I have to write/say/share is of some value).
I have seen that mechanism be exploited.. sometimes you put something out there, someone uses it, and there is zero attribution/citation. For myself, I prefer to try (most of the time) to treat non-fictional writing in the traditional sense of an academic paper and include citations whenever they are useful and I can - even for non-academic purposes - for the purposes of giving credit to others. It's nice to share credit and show how things connect, IMHO.
FWIW, I like some of the inspiration behind Creative Commons, but even old school citations (MLA/ALA or heck, even just this kind of inline citation style [1] that is common on HN and other sites is better than zero).
There are citation generators online also [2] - for formal purposes/writing/papers you must get these formats right, but for informal/casual use, I think simple citation is better than no citation.
[1] simple citation style, or even just paste the URL - at least you're giving credit.
A colleague gave me the best advice when I was teaching programming courses: you haven't learned from books but from professional experience (actually both, but anyway) just tell them what worked and what didn't. And why.
I applied the same method when writting my long defunct blog. Nobody was really interested in my opinions, but my experience both positive and negative was somehow valuable.
One thing that helps me write is to picture someone I know who I'm talking to. This helps me to include the appropriate level of context, and it also impacts the "voice" I will use. I think the author basically mentions this as one of the their list items.
Own your platform. If you host your own blog, you have the ability to make it do literally anything you want. It's such a superpower that's severely underrated.
Ouch... that actually hits a bit close to home. After having a couple of blogging homes fold out from under me, I've kicked around the idea of coding up my own blog - which usually was in whatever framework/language I was getting ramped up in. I realize I've probably ported/built something a half a dozen times in the last decade, and never bothered to take the final step to deploy it before starting the next rewrite.
I started writing my blogging engine [1] in late 1999, and spent almost the next two years trying to get it perfect, while at the same time using it for blogging (locally at first). I finally got fed up with trying to perfect the software and just went public with it. I still use it after 25 years. Granted, there hasn't been a line of code that hasn't changed in that time, but it still feels the same to me, as it still works the same from a user perspective (entries can be added via a web interface, email, file (that was true even 25 years ago) and the PUT method (added last year); the storage system hasn't changed either and is backward compatible such that the code in 2001 (when I first went public) could still work on the data today). And yes, it is still a CGI script. I saw no need to change that over the years.
Obsidian Publish, Micro.Blog, Ghost, BearBlog, HackMD, etc. are all great places to start, with less "baggage" associated with them. I know a lot of people write on Medium as well, but the account requirements that pop-up randomly are super annoying.
Hey, you are a great inspiraiton and I really like to read your blogs. I have been maintaining a broken blog since I was 16 (currently 19) and last year I started writing actively about everything I do.
I started reading more and more books and have seen a lot of improvements in writing. I am not inspired by anyone's writing style but yes I am writing for the sake of my own curiosity and fun. I did follow some of your ideas on how you write though xD
my blog: https://mangeshm.xyz/ some recent articles about my thinking and some stories I've written.
Hard disagree. I write for myself and still use the search functionality on my site [1] to find things quickly.
I also regularly read the work of Julia Evans, Brandur Leach, Armin Ronacher, and Patrick Dubroy, and none of them generate slop about the latest tech. On top of that, engineering blogs from Netflix, Uber, Stripe, and Salesforce are irreplaceable for me.
I use LLMs a ton and still think human writing is even more valuable now that generating formulaic junk is so easy.
I can name 5 excellent "semi-technical" blogs off the top of my head, so this suggests me to me you need to do a better job of nurturing your digital reading list more than anything else (and I say that as a big user of LLMs). Blogs aren't there to replace... tutorials and documentation.
I have been maintaining a semi-successful blog [1] for the last five years and have learned a few things along the way:
- Own your content: Medium, Substack, Hashnode, Dev.to—all of them suck. Your readers deserve better. Don’t waste their time.
- No one cares about the technology behind your site unless it’s huge. So it should be the least of your concerns. Don’t be that JS guy who rewrites their entire site every week in a different stack and writes a blog post about it.
- Consistently writing is a lot of work, and there’s no way around it.
- Picking a niche and writing about it yields better results than trying to write about anything and everything.
- No one will probably read it for a long time, and that’s okay. You should write only for yourself in the beginning.
- POSSE is the way to go. If you don’t promote your work, no one else will.
- That said, if it took less time to write than it would take someone to read, it’s probably not worth writing.
[1]: https://rednafi.com
POSSE: Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere.
I didn’t know what this acronym meant. Hopefully I saved someone a Google search.
Thanks! You saved me from exactly that.
I searched for this and then came back, only to find the answer below!
Nice - thanks.
I asked Perplexity what this acronym stands for and this is its reply:
The interwebs is such hot garbage that we now need to use ChatGPT to search.
> If you don’t promote your work, no one else will.
This has not been my experience. If you do interesting things then there are plenty of people who are willing to bring attention to it. I've been cold-emailed by journalists wanting to interview me without ever doing anything other than a) make my work publicly accessible and b) collaborate with like-minded people.
Perhaps I'm lucky (probably). Perhaps my work would've gotten more attention if I spent more effort promoting it (probably). The things I do because I find them interesting are not things I feel the need to promote, because I'm not doing them for attention.
If your goal is to grab a lot of attention, you will inexorably have to do things that are not interesting because the only way to achieve broad appeal is to not offend anyone's tastes and the only way to do that is to be bland.
>> If you don’t promote your work, no one else will.
> This has not been my experience. If you do interesting things then there are plenty of people who are willing to bring attention to it. I've been cold-emailed by journalists wanting to interview me without ever doing anything other than a) make my work publicly accessible and b) collaborate with like-minded people.
Both of those are promoting your work so it is your experience. Your experience just has been that you haven't had to put much work into promoting your work so it doesn't feel like promoting your work to you.
> the only way to achieve broad appeal is to not offend anyone's tastes and the only way to do that is to be bland
Careful. While I agree with the premise, you make it sound binary. You can have broad-er appeal while still being individual.
> Careful.
I witnessed a memorable moment at work when an engineer responded to a VP and started by saying “careful.” Had it been another engineer, it would have been ignored as authoritative-sounding filler. But the VP did not take it well.
Do you mind explaining why this was problematic? I'm working to track down things that I say that might be interpreted in ways other than I intend, and this sounds like a mistake I would make. What's the problematic message that's being sent here from the engineer to the VP?
I suspect that the issue here is that either the VP was insecure or that the engineer said it in an accusatory way (or both).
In all likelihood, the engineer meant "that approach/idea/decision has risks we should consider." The VP likely heard "you are suggesting something wrong/dangerous/ignorant."
A nuance here is that the engineer probably implied that "(We should be) careful (in our consideration)" and the VP perceived "(You need to be) careful (and you don't seem to be)"
As stated by another response, it says the speaker thinks the listener is careless.
It also places the speaker in a position of authority, admonishing someone who is still learning. "Careful!" is what we say to children. A high-status person may be particularly sensitive to this, but nobody likes to be talked down to. As I alluded, I hear this amongst engineers and filter it out as verbal fluff, so there are cases where it is ok.
An easy alternative to "careful" is "I'm not sure about that" or even "I disagree." Both are what peers would say to each other. In scenarios where a high-status person is not receptive to being talked to as a peer, well, you get to add all the deference and qualification you need to, but it comes down to stating disagreement in a non-disagreeable way.
You say careful, and their ego probably hears you calling them careless. Careless is typically an avoided behavior so this hurts them. They view themselves as careful and wise. You think they're dumb. (Not necessarily a syllogism, but the ego is weird)
I'm possibly paraphrasing and simplifying too much but "How to Win Friends and influence People" mentions being very cautious about correcting people, more so correcting them publically, even when you are correct.
> How to Win Friends and influence People
Such a good book, I'm about due for a re-read I think.
I would have loved to seen their expression …
That's like an actor breaking character during a play and it pops the bubble of reality the audience has been living in.
One can have even broader appeal by offending everyone
On that …
- It's generally easier for people to know what they _don't_ like than what they _do_. Preferences are defined by process of elimination.
- The commonality is: get lots of people on the same page about you, and you've got a big audience / broad appeal. But the most engaged audience is the one who has strong emotions attached, so being an offender guarantees a ravenous audience … and is generally easier.
When people give advice to content creators in the form of "when you do interesting things" my brain immediately jumps to one question; how do you know what other people consider interesting?
Honest question, because I am just starting out, myself. I have a small blog where I share my opinions and projects related to technology I enjoy. However, if I were to do a thought experiment and assume my audience is HN readers, I'd hesitate to say anyone here would find my posts very interesting. I like them, but I am not sure who else would.
I genuinely do not understand how to evaluate an audience, so I just write what I like to write and hope for the best.
It primarily refers to what you consider interesting.
When you have a decent number of posts and some visitors you can see which sub set they find the most interesting.
You can also make a blog about things that don't interest you at all. This is the shortest route to success and you will hate your new job :)
Don’t evaluate your audience; it’s a losing game. Write things so you can find them later, and leave the rest to chance. Worked quite well for me.
I know people here don't like site analytics, but for this one it's pretty good.
Setup Matomo or similar analytics software, write about a bunch of topics and review after a year which topics your readers are most interested in, for which they search on your site etc.
>Don’t be that JS guy who rewrites their entire site every week in a different stack and writes a blog post about it.
seems like a perfectly reasonable idea for a blog about different stacks. I'm not advocating it, but there's nothing wrong with it if that's what interests you.
You’re missing the point.
OP is saying don’t be the person who says they want to write about Frogs, but who then spends an immense amount of effort not writing about Frogs, and writing about procrastination instead.
If it had been phrased like yours, I'd completely agree. I reread that part from the OP, but the point really doesn't come across.
Nothing wrong with that either. It is an unpaid hobby. Doing what you feel like doing is perfectly fine.
That close minded opinion you quoted left a bad taste in my mouth and makes me not want to check the OP's blog out.
Almost every opinion people have has been covered by someone else in some way unless you are working at the forefront of something, so it usually depends on how you value-add to existing things with your own experience.
It's also that sort of I-know-what's-better attitude that turns a personal thing into a competitive thing.
What is semi-successful anyway...
I'd argue that you could write only for yourself for your entire life and still have a successful blog.
People focus a lot on the 'web', and not enough on the 'log'
Problem in a nutshell, excellent.
Bring back .plan files!
Yep. The success metric isn’t unidimensional here. Having external readers is just a cherry on top. I didn’t even think anyone else would find my writings interesting, let alone useful.
Often, the only reason I write is to have a method of sorting out the soup of thoughts in my head into a recognisable shape, with the accountability that being public brings to it (no, you can't have the link to my site!).
Well said. Sometimes I notice that I’m thinking about a thing for days or weeks and the only way to make it stop is to write a post about it.
> No one cares about the technology behind your site
You know a blog is going to be good when it's using the default wordpress theme from 10 years ago.
I was hoping someone would post that (^_^)
Exactly. Or a pure HTML and CSS site, like Daan Luu’s or Russ Cox’s blog.
Strong disagree on Medium, Substack, etc. There are very famous and popular blogs on both with tons of followers. My sister asked for a blog, I steered her to substack. Zero effort, just works.
> Your readers deserve better. Don’t waste their time.
Nothing about substack wastes readers time.
Conversely, what wastes their time is your site being down or hacked and what wastes your time is maintaining your blog's infra, updating because vulnerabilities, and/or using bad UIs like blogging from github (maybe passable for nerds, not for non-nerds)
A blog isn't about the tech you use. It's about the writing. Worrying about tech is not going to add a single reader to your blog.
Substack is trash. VC-backed, full of tracking pixels and privacy-invading anti-features, constant push to monetize, cross-promote and increase engagement... Every blogger who has moved there has gotten less interesting than they were when they were independent. It's everything that is wrong about social media cynically branded as some kind of alternative media outlet.
Of course there is plenty of money to be made as a social media influencer who specializes in long form content, and if that's the career a person is interested in building then sure - Substack, Medium, whatever - great choice. But for people who are interested in blogging as it used to be, independent writers who want to write without the pressure of editors, without paywalls, without popups, without forcing their readers into signup funnels... It might be a bit more work to set up, but tools like WordPress, Ghost etc are better suited.
> Nothing about substack wastes readers time.
Login modal wastes time.
> if it took less time to write than it would take someone to read, it’s probably not worth writing.
Disagree. If it took less thinking than it will take reading, then yes, probably not worth it. But if you can trim your writing to the pith in every paragraph or even line, people will love you.
Too many people babble to keep the underlying lies and fraud and their complicity burried in narratives.
> trim your writing to the pith in every paragraph or even line
This takes a lot of time. Writing concisely is much more challenging and time-consuming than writing verbosely. Writing unnecessarily long essays means that your readers end up spending more time reading them than you did writing them.
As Blaise Pascal wrote: "I only made this letter longer because I had not the leisure to make it shorter."
I like this post about the value of brevity that starts with “disagree”, immediately agrees with what it’s responding to, and then goes on to talk about a completely unrelated thing
> That said, if it took less time to write than it would take someone to read, it’s probably not worth writing.
Is that actually a possibility? I can't type faster than I can read.
You can if yountype complicated tjings and include typos that make it hard to decode anything much less a run on sentence like this that includes redundancies and extra meaningless words saying the same thing which is easy to type but takes ages to read.
Well done.
You don't have to type. I wrote some things with hundreds of links then assumed the reader was at least somewhat familiar with the set of links above each paragraph. I may even try keep opinions out of it (less effort) and simply paint a context with references for the reader to do their own thinking.
What does this mean? (Googling wasn't helpful.)
POSSE: Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere.
> POSSE is the way to go. If you don’t promote your work, no one else will.
I agree but when I tried this a few weeks ago, it looked like a lot of work to publish on my own blog and then replicate everywhere else. I didn't find a good tool and got lost trying out fediverse stuff.
I just post it manually on twitter, bluesky, mastodon, and linkedin. Works well for me. I tend not to look for a tool until a process starts hurting.
> all of them suck.
> POSSE is the way to go
Can you host your own blog, but replicate (in part) in dev.to?
Is it against their TOS to have a link to an original, or even only include teasers advertising the 'real' blog post?
It's kind of like having you main git repo somewhere, but cloning to GitHub for the community.
I've had the exact same experience. I'd add that Substack will give you some mildly helpful distribution at times as well.
The term POSSE is new to me. It is a great learning experience.
What tech do you recommend for own site? Wordpress?
You don't need some fancy tech. Blogs have been around for 30+ years and function just fine on such old tech. The only new tech you should use is certbot and own your own domain.
Write in markdown and serve directly, or export to HTML. Or write in LibreOffice Writer and export to HTML.
Upload HTML to a basic webserver. You don't need a fancy load balancer or denial-of-human-system or anything.
You make this sound trivial, but I did this (not with a blog per se, but with a silly one-shot parody website I made for fun) and the first time it got posted on HN it exceeded my hosts bandwidth limits in the first hour despite only having a handful of images. Unless you never write anything popular, you at least need a static host like github pages or a cdn or something behind it.
> Unless you never write anything popular, you at least need a static host like github pages or a cdn or something behind it.
No, you just need a host that doesn't have ridiculously small limits. You can easily find find hosts with limits in hundreds of GB, or TB, or even unmetered. You can find them for free, and you can find them for quite cheap compared to most technologists' incomes.
Were each image 1 MB? My rule of thumb is to have smaller pictures in the page and to link to their full size if needs be. If your webpage exceed a ebook in size while not having more features, there’s a wrong decision made somewhere.
Just joking. Sort of. There's apparently a modern tool you can use to transpile SGML to HTML[0], and I'm itching to try it out.
[0] - https://sgmljs.net/docs/producing-html-tutorial/producing-ht... - yes, it's an NPM package, and yes, you can run it in the browser, but you can also use it on a server, or as a static site generator.
The non-blog parts of my site [1] are in XML and I use xsltproc to generate HTML. It's technically a static-site generator. It works, but my God, is XSLT a verbose (functional) language.
[1] https://www.conman.org/
I loved XSLT. I thought it was the most perfect language ever created. What was I thinking?
I’d not use Wordpress personally. Luckily for you, there are plenty of options: https://manuelmoreale.com/blog-platforms
It probably doesn't matter much either way, but I use vanilla HTML/JS
what are some good self-hosted blog alternatives? something with features similar to ghost/substack
This is a long-shot, but take a look here:
I've been blogging for decade(s) with: ...it's basically a janky (possibly insecure?) perl-cgi-script which converts a directory of markdown files into a blog.I love the idea of it in that it's just markdown files! `vim ~/blog/entries/some-random-thought.txt` end ups with $AUTHOR of `chown`, $DATE of the file modification time, tree of `mkdir -p ~/blog/entries/some/category` ... it's just trivial to backup, restore, and work with. You can even (probably) hook it up to a static regen which is probably safer: http://blosxom.com/documentation/users/install/static/
The link to datasette is if you're wanting to nerd around a bit more, as it's kindof a combo of sqlite and a web server for rendering data from within it. The linked github repo is how their main site is built/rendered and it definitely has aspects of "blogginess", and you can kindof see how it's done. The neat thing of `let tags = "SELECT DISTINCT tags FROM posts"` or transforming blogging into effectively updating/adding records in a database is an extension of the blosxom zen of "it's just files [records], yo! go forth and edit them..."
wordpress.org is the defacto standard right?
set plugins and themes to auto-update, add wordfence and change default settings.
use updraft or similar to pull full backups on a schedule.
The best writing advice I ever got was from a college professor—"everybody's got 100 bad essays in them. You just have to get them out."
I feel like this is what blogging is especially good for. You can clear out the awful stuff and then try to incrementally improve.
I would diametrically disagree with point #7—if you want to write well, you need to revise the hell out of it. I guess pick whose writing you like better, between me and the author, and take the corresponding advice.
> then try to incrementally improve
My technique is Da Vinci method just collect / discover lot of shiny pieces. Then stitch them together later. Develop these pieces separately like colored glass pieces in a mosaic, sort of inversion of divide and conquer, collect and assemble.
I was doing this, and then it is confusing for people to follow. Nowadays I do this, too. But when I am ready, I write up everything once, then add in the details.
Yeah, I've been collecting many bits on my obsidian notes but I'm still in the stage of mostly dreaming of putting them together. But it is very interesting to see what thoughts i deem worthy of recording and which i don't. It's helped me significantly to form a coherent understanding of the world and politics, and i suspect one day it'll help me with finding novel research for my PhD
While I agree, I know it can be hard to start writing as well, because you are so worried about the quality. One of my professors from college brought up a great point that "No one will read your shitty first draft except you."
I find that phrase very helpful, because usually when I write, the first draft is always a giant mess. But you're able to craft it and edit it the best way that you can. So you can push out what you think is good work, and continue to improve as you write more.
It is very scary. Oddly that makes blogs kind of a good place to start, since almost no one will find them or read them. It's public writing, but a lot less nerve-wracking than putting yourself out there in other formats (like forum posts).
I don't consider myself a writer, but it sounds like you do.
I find forum posts far, far less nerve-wracking than a blog post. For me, a forum post is almost like how the original article describes a chat: it feels closer to realtime, and feels easier, because it's just like playing a normal role in a conversation. It's normally a response to something, expecting a response.
A blog post feels closer to a formal publication, and I feel like they're more expected to stand on their own, without the justification and context helpfully provided by others' posts.
It’s better to get those bad essays out in the form of comments, you get instant feedback and you’ll know what works and what doesn’t work when you go to write a real blog.
Sadly, that hasn’t helped me.
yes; quantity leads to quality
In high school I did a report on a local poet and author.
What struck me back then was he said in an interview that you need to go through at least a thousand sheets of paper before you start producing anything good.
As a high schooler dreading to write a 4 page report on the guy, a thousand pages sounded ludicrous.
This is what I tend to use HN/Reddit comments for... I know I would probably be better off writing a blog, but I'm too busy procrastinating to make that happen.
there's a lot of good writing advice out there, but some of the best i got was from a college professor, too. i will botch it:
each sentence should make sense based on every prior sentence. each sentence should be able to stand alone on its own sheet of paper.
i had the perfect restatement of this pop in my head later during the day and then i forgot it!
write each sentence on a single sheet of paper.
I've been blogging for just over 20 years at this point, my main takeaways
1) Blog for yourself and no-one else. Write things up because you find them interesting or you learned something. Trying to second-guess things like what will be popular or get engagement is not a fun time for what is likely to be a hobby.
2) Keep it low maintenance and simple publishing process. I use Github pages and Jekyll, but other similar options are available.
3) If you're doing technical content, try to have practical examples. I've had multiple times where I thought I knew how something worked and, in the process of writing a blog with practical examples, found out I was wrong about how it worked!
Point 3 is very important and something that needs to be done more often. I would also say have someone who works in the domain you're writing about read it and give feedback.
Why publish at all? Why not just write privately?
A couple of reasons (for me anyway)
1) Main reason is that if I've spent time working something out, I can save other people the time doing that, by writing down the details in a searchable place.
2) If I want to explain something to someone, it's easy if I can just point them to a blog I've already written
3) (bit of an unintended consequence) It helped get me my last two jobs :D Being able to point to a long history of technical blog posting was relevant when I got a job in advocacy as that's one of the necessary skills.
Sometimes you talk to someone (possibly online, usually about a shared interest), and they ask you what your thoughts are on X. Then you can just link them, if you have written on X (or related).
Sometimes others want to express a (non trivial) idea to someone else, and your writing may be the best thing they know that gets the message across. Then they can send it.
Sometimes (or rather, always) your idea and writing is not the best or final thought you have on the subject. But it is not until someone has read and commented/replied (thoughtfully) that you understand what the next refinement is.
And then there is serendipity, just putting it out there to see what might (or might not) come of it.
Plus maybe one finds it motivating to have it actually accessible for others. As a clear goal and a standard to hold each piece to.
I echo the other responses to your question. Just recently I had two instances where an old blog post of mine contained a solution to a problem a coworker encountered. I publish these notes mostly so that I don't forget about them, but it's an added degree of satisfaction when it proves helpful to others. I wrote a bit about this in one of my recent posts [1]. Don't be afraid of the rabbit holes!
[1] https://branislavjenco.github.io/rabbit-holes/
> I should add, for context, that my friend and I are talking about writing beautiful essays here. If you want to write the most precise thing possible, you need to edit mercilessly and accept that the writing ends up flat and disjointed.
I don't think that merciless editing and beauty are opposed. The author perhaps underestimates the extent to which artists mercilessly edit their own work. The author employs the metaphor of musical improvisation, but the best musical pieces are usually composed, not improvised. I like jazz, but... not for the songwriting. For stream of consciousness writing, you'd almost be better off posting on social media.
I've been blogging for over 15 years, and my advice, admittedly ironic, is to not take advice from anyone. Actually, that's my advice on many subjects. Everyone wants to impose their own little idiosyncrasies on you, but what works for them won't necessarily work for you. One's idiosyncrasies are not universal truths.
I am getting started writing a blog, and this article is some of the most helpful I've read.
Makes me feel OK to be quirky and unpolished when the rest of the world is making reaction faces and pointing at text to feed an algo.
Thank you for not doing that.
Unless you aim for your blog grow a following. You really don't need to overthink anything!
A picture and 3 sentences can be a blog post.
You can talk about a hobby, a trip, a vacation or random thoughts.
Sometimes people will find a how-to blog post through Google. Sometimes an old friend or former teacher will look you up.
In reality, you'll probably be happier if your blog never grows a steady following :)
Daring Fireball by John Gruber (used to) frequently post just links to a post/article with a short excerpt.
No need to write a full-on 10k+ word novella on everything.
Do they have something to say, or is this like "I want to be in a band" of a previous generation?
This is a question more people need to ask. Be it a blog, YouTube channel, podcast, or whatever else, they all need to be rooted in having something worth to sharing to some small piece of the world.
Many people get caught up in thinking the blog, YouTube, or podcast is the thing, when it’s just the thing that lets you share the real thing. It took me longer than I’d like to admit to really integrate this lesson.
That sounds like a chicken/egg scenario: how are you supposed to know if you have something worth sharing without producing that something first to make that assessment?
I think putting more questions and uncertainty in the way of actually just writing/podcasting/youtubing is what stops a lot of people really building the habit in the first place.
That’s just it, a lot of people want to write, podcast, or be a YouTuber, but they struggle with ideas. They want to use the medium, but they don’t have content ideas. The “real thing” I was talking about is the overarching theme or topic. What are you into, what are you going to write, podcast, or make videos about?
I think understanding what you want to share helps solve the major stumbling block that leads to thousands of blogs with one entry that is effectively hello-world. If told to draw anything, most people will sit with a blank page. However, if they are told to draw a castle, those bounds give them the freedom to start and create, and it can evolve from there.
What are you into to? What hobbies do you have? What do you know, or have opinions about, that others might be interested in? This is your theme, the “real thing”. Writing, podcasting, or video production, without this usually falls flat after 1 or 2 attempts, and it makes it impossible for a habit to form.
If you’re already into something and doing it on a regular basis, then you’re just writing about, talking about it, or recording what you’re already doing or thinking about all the time anyway. The content and ideas can flow more easily, especially at the beginning. Not to mention, being more motivated to make the content, since it’s already a passion.
So many people are trying to make content about nothing, because they aren’t really doing anything else… and this is where friction is born. Do something you find interesting, then share that thing and your perspective on it. Start with the doing, not the sharing (writing, podcasting, and YouTubing is the sharing).
Hopefully this clarifies what I was getting at and resolves the chicken/egg thoughts.
You're supposed to be capable of introspection and ask yourself "would I truly be interested in what I want to write? Do I even have an idea of what I want to write?" before writing anything...
there are two types of blogs - sincere ones, where the author pours out his soul and talks about what he can't keep to himself, possibly raising some important issues, trying to convey them to the masses, and SEO blogs - where there are excrements of hashtags, advertising slogans, constant repetitions, and requests to throw a bone (support the project, you haven't supported the project yet? you can do it here, well, or here! did I forget to tell you that you can support the project? by the way, one more thing - support the project!). Such ones are immediately banned. I am also very annoyed by those who are already looking for a place for a banner from the first minutes of the site's existence. you will not survive in this world without this cent? 10 bucks a month - payment for personal shame?
all this conversion and optimization of texts for search engines turns bloggers into robots, and it is simply impossible to read the texts, they are not human, they are as if created by neural networks. who needs this hypocrisy?
sincere ones, where the author pours out his soul and talks about what he can't keep to himself...
Talking head with big microphone, with no editing.
Relevant Black Mirror episode: [1]
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifteen_Million_Merits
i think you're exactly right. but to blog with zero SEO in mind sounds foolish as well.
you should blog, and by a blog definition that is going on the internet. to get more people to read it (often the goal) the easiest thing to do is utilize the tool people use to find things on the internet (search engines).
if there are issues with spam, keyword stuffing, forever run-on paragraphs of nothingness, well that is the search engine algorithm's job to fix. And they have a lot of money to fix it.
and if they don't fix it we should use a new search engine. it'll take time. but those seem like the dynamics at play in this scenario.
No, that would be a youtube channel.
Or being a "streamer".
I mostly write for future me.
> is this like "I want to be in a band" of a previous generation?
People started blogs for that? I thought that was more the realm of supermarket bulletin boards next to the firewood flyer.
Maybe I'm just from a previous previous generation.
How can "a friend" post something on a supermarket bulletin board now that they don't seem to exist?
“Do you want to be a Writer, or do you want to write?” I think that almost any question of the form “Do you want to be an Xer, or do you want to X” is useful these days.
100%. As a kid growing up near a golf course I knew lots of kids who wanted to be a pro golfer (me too). Did they want to spend 10 hrs a day at the range hitting ball after ball? Not so much. Lots of people want to be Warren Buffett - do they want to read 10-ks for 10 hrs a day? Not so much.
what the gp is getting at is that back in the day there were people who wanted to be in a band not out of any particular musical talent or even inclination but because a lot of their friends were doing it and it looked like a cool thing to do.
Ronnie Coleman put it succinctly:
“Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-ass weights.”
I don't want to be out of breath after 3 seconds of running. No thanks.
Me neither and yet I've been doing it for 45 years.
I see people got triggered by the obvious general lack of fitness in body builders. They are not more healthy than starving female models.
Your question got me thinking about supermarket bulletin boards. I recall them from way back as busy places with lots of notes attached, but last year or thereabouts I remember seeing a small bulletin board with one note attached and thinking how unusual it was.
Speaking from experience, start by building some tools to make blog publishing more pleasant— build a markdown processor in your favorite language, then write your own syntax highlighting and html parser / transformer, then benchmark and optimize the heck out of it, then decide blogging isn’t all that interesting, and write some games instead.
Every post about blogging that reaches the top of HN turns into a discussion about static site generators, without fail.
> (I should add, for context, that my friend and I are talking about writing beautiful essays here. If you want to write the most precise thing possible, you need to edit mercilessly and accept that the writing ends up flat and disjointed.)
There speaks someone who has never spent time writing poetry, and probably isn't very good at editing.
Why do you insist on only using the middle third of my screen to display content?
I'm over 50 and my eyes are not quite what they used to be. Your 12pt (ish) text is largely legible to me but why do you insist on your idea of presentation, rather than mine?
The whole point of the www as far as I recall is that you send a message and I receive it. How it is formatted should largely be a matter for the recipient, with some hints from the sender.
> Why do you insist on only using the middle third of my screen to display content?
You can always read these posts in Reader Mode on your browser and adjust the text size, paragraph width etc. Even on this site, I have to magnify the display to 130% to view comfortably on a hiDPI screen.
The reason why most blogs are narrow is because blog templates are still from the 2000s in terms of how they show content on desktop . Traditionally the right hand third of the screen would display ads or a blog roll, while the left hand third would show the site's navigation .
Over time this changed, but what stayed the same was showing body text in the central third columns.
Content width is an odd thing to complain about:
- everybody limits it. This is because no matter the size of your screen, the human eyes are somewhat limited to lines of 70-130 characters. Higher than that, and your eyes have hard time finding the next line at the end of the previous one because the travel is too high. As a web page writer, you need to take care of that, because the default presentation will be bad for everyone if you don't.
- as it happens, the author uses Subtrack so they might not even have picked that size consciously.
- reader mode works on this page, so you can use this to read the post the way you want, and if you like the content and would like to read it regularly, there is an RSS feed that you can use with a client that displays posts the way you want.
The last point is why separate style sheets and correctly structured content are so nice: if you have such a strong opinion, you can tweak stuff or even ignore the style sheet and use yours. And reader mode actually makes that practical for most blog posts / articles.
(that said, I agree that the width seems particularly small, I replaced it with 80ex just to try and it looked better to me - but I just set up a new WordPress website and the default 2025 theme has the same ~730px width for the content, I don't know what's with this default size)
> human eyes are somewhat limited to lines of 70-130 characters. Higher than that, and your eyes have hard time finding the next line at the end of the previous one because the travel is too high.
That's unfortunately a common myth even re regular text (even more so re code with all the extra structural helps) that's responsible for a lot of vertical space waste.
But at any rate you can adjust your window to whatever is comfortable, no need for the author to incorrectly guess what's best for you
> That's unfortunately a common myth even re regular text
A common myth that seems quite well researched [1], no? Do you have some evidence of the contradictory?
> you can adjust your window to whatever is comfortable
Websites all have different layouts, you'd have to change the window width (and/or zoom level) for each website. That would be quite clunky… on devices where it's at all possible.
Forcing users to resize their windows constantly is not a nice alternative.
[1] https://journals.uc.edu/index.php/vl/article/view/5765
But it isn't well researched, that's precisely the myth that in these areas there's solid science with precise thresholds! I've read your article and it includes many gems such as max line length of 80 cpl, which is useless to determine whether a line of 150 is bad. Or it suffers from a universal issue of this kind science - tiny sample sizes or unrepresentative composition (the perennial college student, here goes your reading skill diversity relevant for making broad conclusions about human eyes). Or it ignores that length isn't everything, there is also density (some research did vary it, but even then it was only doubling), which a simple cpl count used in many cited papers doesn't measure
And the main factor against long lines is errors returning to the next line's beginning.
First, what's the well researched level drop between 130 and 150 for a person with a high reading skill level?
Then, have they "well researched" such simple typographical guides as the varying line widths (check out the layout of this very article, note that it's not rectangular, but one side is continuously growing in length, cool trick!). Or having some alternating line markers at line beginning/end to make visual match easy (similar, but not identical, to tables where you have full line highlighted)?
Maybe the most efficient reading is at line length of 333 with line guides and semantics guides (like those bionic reading extensions) at higher text density? You could be missing out on +10% speed bump and 4% comprehension level! And the head movements would also reduce muscle strain from a prolonged fixed head/neck position! Or maybe the very best is even higher 1234 but requires some curved ultrawide monitor to fit you whole peripheral vision and immerse you in the text without other visual distractions? I'd be curious to know what the real scientific eye limits are when it comes to reading.
But also efficiency isn't the only important metric for casual reading of web blogs, while a lot of research focused on that. There was some research about user perception that found no difference between line lengths. So there is that.
I also don't get why would you ever need to adjust window width per website? Say, for me the best line length is max 133 at font size 14 and char spacing X. So if I set my window at about this width so that no more text fits, and it reflows, I'm set. Yes, there are sites that disrespect user font size preferences, which would require zooming (or reading plugin), but this true regardless of the max width preferences, and also they would disrespect whatever the width guidelines are.
Interesting points, thanks.
So IIUC, for you, evidence is weak and we don't actually know either way and we haven't explored alternatives to limiting light length enough that could help comprehension and speed. Fair enough.
> I also don't get why would you ever need to adjust window width per website?
Because websites define different margins, may have a side menu, or two... There might be stuff around the content that take width. And responsive designs may worsen the effect.
Limiting width is what you should do, if the lines are too long you will struggle to find the next line when skipping back.
My favorite two reasons for blogging:
1) Because sometimes you are right about something and it's nice to show that you were thinking about it ahead of time. An example would be my prediction in 2023 (which is fairly late in all fairness,) that one of the most important improvements in AI in the near future would be the ability to interact with any GUI as if it was an API.
2) Because often you are wrong about something and having it written down and in public will keep you honest about hindsight bias. An example would be predictions I made about lasting impacts of the pandemic on how we approach healthcare and minimizing respiratory infections in general.
Also nice that people you interact with online or old friends who look you up, can see some of the stuff you do. Without having to resort to Facebook.
Whether that's hobbies, a home renovation project, a public presentation you did at work, a life event (wedding, kids, etc).
My advice is do it for yourself, any engagement is a bonus, and don't lock it behind a wall like Substack etc.
I've been putting off starting a blog to document my side projects for a long time. Finally having it up feels great - it motivated me to organize my thoughts and publish rather than letting them sit as unstructured notes.
The article spends a good amount of time suggesting how to write better blog posts over time, which I appreciate, but the title doesn't fit as well as it could.
I feel the title should be more about 'how to write better blog posts over time' or something. I was expecting to hear advice more about creating or maintaining a blog itself, which is more than just writing (in my mind) -
The site pulls a bitdefender warning about malicious something or another, not sure what the trigger is.
I've commented elsewhere about blog software since on HN this inevitably comes up on similar threads.
I've got some stuff about modern wordpress blog design and such on this page: https://steveiscritical.com/learn-websites-and-coding/
Might have to make a more well rounded wordpress blog stuff that includes backups, securing and hosting considerations then submit a more complete article at some point.
I found that a nice compromise between self-hosting and publishing on a Medium / Substack is using Github pages + Notion published links:
- You get one free site per GitHub account
- I forked https://github.com/academicpages/academicpages.github.io and updated the blog posts to link to published Notion pages.
- This gives you a great WYSIWYG editor and all the nice features that Notion provides (collab edit, embeds, tables, LaTeX, view/edit anywhere).
- Notion handles the SEO too.
- See https://mikeshen.github.io/year-archive/ and an example post - https://mikeshen.notion.site/Deepnote-Embeds-Share-Your-Resu....
Point 13, ironically, reminds me of one of the best bits of writing[1] I ever did. I somehow lost an entire near-complete draft[2] of an article, so I had to write it again from scratch. It came out much, much better than the original.
1. https://csswizardry.com/archive/
2. A fact I am embarrassed to admit in present company. I still can’t remember how it happened.
Be OK if 95-99% of your content gets zero engagement. That's fine, if you're writing for yourself first and foremost.
Accept that you will work on a cool personal project for a long time (months, at least), and will then write a blog post showcasing that work - and no one will care. Over. And. Over. Again. Very humbling, but a good exercise in evaluating your original motive to work on the project.
I pretty much agree with all that. I'd add, is this something you want to do or are you looking to make money? If the latter, don't bother. You MAY want to separate a business blog and personal stuff but I'm not yet sold on that being a good idea unless you're really serious about a separate business identity. (Still muddling that one. I may re-merge.)
I have a very different view. I think quality takes effort, and unless you are extremely gifted, or extremely practiced as a writer (i.e., you've done it professionally for years) what you write as a first draft is probably terrible.
As such, if you actually want to produce text worth reading, you'll need to spend (a lot of) time editing and critiquing each draft you write.
I also think the world abounds with supposedly quirky people, who think that that is enough. It is (almost certainly) not enough.
Unless you are incredibly unusual and individualistic, your quirckyness is not sufficient to make your work worth reading. The problem is that there are lots of interesting, unusual and deep people, and some of them also spend a huge amount of time and effort on the craft of writing.
This is good advice! I had a personal blog for a while which nobody read, but lately my Medium articles have gathered hundred of reads (writing down stuff I figured out in side projects nobody else bothered to write down).
Serious question, as someone who recently started writing:
• How do you guys feel about your thoughts, ideas and creativity being scraped and secretly added to the training corpus of AI models?
Pleased. One of my main motivations in writing open source software is to create training data for future sentient things. I felt that way decades before LLMs. I am as proud to know my code ended up in training datasets as I am to know that my human students took a little away from the classes I've taught.
I did not expect this type of positive feedback... thank you.
You can’t worry about it. It’s the world we live in now. The alternative is to not write anything of significance on the internet, which would be of no benefit to anyone.
I wonder if any noticeable group of people are retreating to paper journals or letter circles again. Probably not, but you never know.
To books, yes! 100%!
"This is the world we live in" is a good excuse to never right any wrongs.
It’s not. It’s a recognition that you have to act within the world as it exists today.
That doesn’t mean you can’t work to change the world, and in fact in order to do so you first need to see how it actually is.
But it does also means you need to decide which battles to fight.
The comment literally just said "you can't worry about it, it's the world we live in". That's the point, you can't just use the second part as an excuse to not fight battles or changing. Because that sort of requires worrying about things.
That's precisely my problem: the only alternative is worse because no one would benefit.
You can’t really blame the blogger for that though.
Letting a AI learn from your content devalues it as they can regurgitate it for a few dollars a month.
I take perverse pleasure in knowing that some future AI will be convinced that chicken is the best ice-cream flavour because some rando (me) posted it
It should be enough to look at the earnings reports of Kreamy Frozen Chicken to know that chicken is the most delicious ice cream flavor.
this would have to be a largely targeted endeavor to offset such a fact. probably not worth the trouble. but interesting to think about.
So... AI feeding on itself? :D
Pissed. Almost everything I publish online is licensed, usually in a copy-left manner.
These companies are violating that agreement for their own gain, and respond to any pushback by invoking bogus legal arguments and ridiculous machine anthropomorphism. Brute force statistical analysis is not "learning."
People donate their bodies for science after death. I am ready to donate my thoughts. My thoughts are just clever rearrangement of already existing ideas, just like my body is of atoms.
Don't care, although in the old days I declared a CC BY (attribution) license[1] on my blog. The fact many of these models cannot do basic attribution-- this is a very serious shortcoming, that potentially may affect the availability of fair use.
[1] https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/cclicenses/
Thanks for your feedback.
Serious shortcoming indeed.
I know it is stupid but I care.
It's already a real problem that the organic blogosphere was destroyed by "blogspam" and overt plagiarism of entire blogs into content farms that existed purely to push SEO, including SEO over the original blog. AI just makes this worse.
I'm also worried that if I wanted to find an audience the audience would first have to navigate the AI search hall of mirrors.
I maintain a blog that I write myself, and a blogging bot on a separate site/domain, which I run as an exercise/sandbox.
They both get traffic. Neither site is optimised for SEO. Looking at analytics (Matomo on my blog, Google Analytics for the bot), the stuff I write myself gets "real" visitors. People will stumble on a project, and you can see them navigate to the next article, and the next article.
The content from the bot isn't engaging - people might stumble on it, then bounce.
Absent search, interesting content gets shared. Blog spam does not.
I don't worry too much about my content being used to train LLMs - I don't feel it takes away from me, it a bit feels like content getting indexed by a search engine. And I see value, for me, in just creating it.
it does make it worse. but it will get better IMO. any blogspam house is not going to last the next 5-10 years IMO.
as soon as i do something slightly spammy or excessive SEO-wise i get dinged for it. within 1-2 days. then i re-evalute what i did and revert it or change the strategy slightly.
those blogspam houses are just doing a few things right that are clearly being given too much weight.
and finding an audience was never easy. but social, newsletter, building free tools that link to your blog are some ways to do different than just SEO.
I do not like it either.
I have a blog that admittedly does not get much traffic, and I have started to add random words after each paragraph. The background is white, and these words are white, so they are invisible to most people. Maybe it is not that effective, but it makes me feel better.
I kinda lost motivation to write tutorials and such. It is going to be an input for AI, so why bother.
All of these replies say don’t worry about it and just blog but I say detect the IPs and user agents and return a scrambled post. If you’re small enough they probably won’t care to go the extra effort to scrape you.
Is there a way to do that in WordPress on a shared host?
Sure you can hook into Wordpress’ hooks with either:
- `add_action(‘template_redirect’, ‘my_scramble_func’)`
- or `add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘my_scramble_func’)`
Wordpress is PHP so you get the power of doing whatever as the request loads.
`Template_redirect` would allow you to redirect to a specific template/page.
`the_content` would allow you to return different content for that path.
Then you just need to check the user-agent/IP. I’m sure there’s a PHP library you could install with composer to do this.
What would be fun in my opinion is leaving the metadata the same but replacing only the meat. For example article titled “How to Update Your Blog” would still have the title and headings, but then return “<h2>Step one: open your blog editor</h2><p>hajfineidif hahahe lorem ipsum…</p>” for the paragraphs.
like there's nothing i can do about it so i should embrace it, learn from it and integrate it.
not thinking about that - anything I do is cc zero
I don't like the idea of intellectual theft without attribution/citation. If it is shared publicly/into the public domain, I believe the least that should happen is attribution/citation where possible - especially if a for-profit entity is using the content.
On the other side, for many of my thoughts/ideas/creativity, I find it is often a question of, do I die alone with it in my head or put it out there, maybe for someone to find, use or be inspired by? If it's a question of one or the other, I think perhaps I'd rather let it go free so the value isn't lost (assuming, that what I have to write/say/share is of some value).
I have seen that mechanism be exploited.. sometimes you put something out there, someone uses it, and there is zero attribution/citation. For myself, I prefer to try (most of the time) to treat non-fictional writing in the traditional sense of an academic paper and include citations whenever they are useful and I can - even for non-academic purposes - for the purposes of giving credit to others. It's nice to share credit and show how things connect, IMHO.
FWIW, I like some of the inspiration behind Creative Commons, but even old school citations (MLA/ALA or heck, even just this kind of inline citation style [1] that is common on HN and other sites is better than zero).
There are citation generators online also [2] - for formal purposes/writing/papers you must get these formats right, but for informal/casual use, I think simple citation is better than no citation.
[1] simple citation style, or even just paste the URL - at least you're giving credit.
[2] example, https://zbib.org/
A colleague gave me the best advice when I was teaching programming courses: you haven't learned from books but from professional experience (actually both, but anyway) just tell them what worked and what didn't. And why.
I applied the same method when writting my long defunct blog. Nobody was really interested in my opinions, but my experience both positive and negative was somehow valuable.
One thing that helps me write is to picture someone I know who I'm talking to. This helps me to include the appropriate level of context, and it also impacts the "voice" I will use. I think the author basically mentions this as one of the their list items.
Bear Blog looks like a good option for a new (minimalist) blog. Can anyone recommend it? https://bearblog.dev/
It was my likely first choice before deciding to roll my own. I’d recommend getting a domain which will cost you $5/month or so to use with bear iirc.
Mataroa is another option similar to bear.
Own your platform. If you host your own blog, you have the ability to make it do literally anything you want. It's such a superpower that's severely underrated.
Advice to use substack, medium and a few others similar.
No point hosting a blog or anything of the sort, unnecessary effort in the beginning when you don't know if you'll continue.
OTOH setting up a static blog site is a great way to procrastinate on actually writing blog posts
Ouch... that actually hits a bit close to home. After having a couple of blogging homes fold out from under me, I've kicked around the idea of coding up my own blog - which usually was in whatever framework/language I was getting ramped up in. I realize I've probably ported/built something a half a dozen times in the last decade, and never bothered to take the final step to deploy it before starting the next rewrite.
I started writing my blogging engine [1] in late 1999, and spent almost the next two years trying to get it perfect, while at the same time using it for blogging (locally at first). I finally got fed up with trying to perfect the software and just went public with it. I still use it after 25 years. Granted, there hasn't been a line of code that hasn't changed in that time, but it still feels the same to me, as it still works the same from a user perspective (entries can be added via a web interface, email, file (that was true even 25 years ago) and the PUT method (added last year); the storage system hasn't changed either and is backward compatible such that the code in 2001 (when I first went public) could still work on the data today). And yes, it is still a CGI script. I saw no need to change that over the years.
[1] https://github.com/spc476/mod_blog
Take the last step! Just try not to account for it as the culmination of a decade’s work in your head.
I recently rebuilt my own blog over the course of a month or so after a decade hiatus (and wrote about it, of course[1]).
I enjoyed the process of working through all my little ideas and deploying it — and continuing to tinker on it.
1: https://duggan.ie/posts/ignoring-good-advice-and-building-my...
Hey, no need to call me out specifically like that.
Manuel maintains a list of (low-fuss) blogging platforms: https://manuelmoreale.com/blog-platforms
Many people don't like using the platforms.
They're obviously parasites.
It's not very complicated to do yourself.
Obligatory "Substack has a Nazi Problem" article: https://archive.is/uyugO
Obsidian Publish, Micro.Blog, Ghost, BearBlog, HackMD, etc. are all great places to start, with less "baggage" associated with them. I know a lot of people write on Medium as well, but the account requirements that pop-up randomly are super annoying.
A slight tangent - does anyone have advice on anonymous blogs? I would accept an email address as being the sole contact, but nothing else.
Haven't tried this myself yet, but came across this while sorting my Obsidian inbox: https://pico.sh/pgs
Basically you can ssh/scp/rsync static pages there.
The only personal thing you provide is an SSH public key pair.
With Paragraph.xyz I'm pretty sure you can sign-up with just a crypto wallet.
Host your own. Keep it simple.
Great advice!
Hey, you are a great inspiraiton and I really like to read your blogs. I have been maintaining a broken blog since I was 16 (currently 19) and last year I started writing actively about everything I do.
I started reading more and more books and have seen a lot of improvements in writing. I am not inspired by anyone's writing style but yes I am writing for the sake of my own curiosity and fun. I did follow some of your ideas on how you write though xD
my blog: https://mangeshm.xyz/ some recent articles about my thinking and some stories I've written.
Hard disagree. I write for myself and still use the search functionality on my site [1] to find things quickly.
I also regularly read the work of Julia Evans, Brandur Leach, Armin Ronacher, and Patrick Dubroy, and none of them generate slop about the latest tech. On top of that, engineering blogs from Netflix, Uber, Stripe, and Salesforce are irreplaceable for me.
I use LLMs a ton and still think human writing is even more valuable now that generating formulaic junk is so easy.
[1]: https://rednafi.com/search
I can name 5 excellent "semi-technical" blogs off the top of my head, so this suggests me to me you need to do a better job of nurturing your digital reading list more than anything else (and I say that as a big user of LLMs). Blogs aren't there to replace... tutorials and documentation.