Show HN: Dockerized VS Code with Goose Coding Agent

5 points by Bahushruth 21 hours ago

I was tired of setting up my coding environment from scratch whenever I switched machines, and I wanted easy access to Goose AI (an OpenAI-powered coding assistant) without complex configuration.

So this weekend I hacked together Goosecode Server - a dockerized VS Code that runs in the browser with the Goose AI agent pre-installed and configured. It's nothing fancy, just combining existing tools in a useful way.

What's interesting is that beyond personal use, it can be integrated as a tool call for AI agents people are building. Since it's containerized with a standard interface, you can programmatically spin up instances, execute code, and have your AI agents interact with the development environment. Perfect for AI workflow automation or agent-assisted coding pipelines.

The whole thing is: - One container that runs anywhere Docker works VS Code server accessible via browser - Goose AI terminal agent pre-configured - Git integration with configurable credentials at runtime - Easily callable from AI agent systems through Docker API

I built it primarily for myself, but realized it fits nicely into the emerging AI agent ecosystem. All you need is to provide your OpenAI API key in the .env file.