dlcarrier 8 hours ago

Most conglomerates have one product or service that that generates all the revenue and everything else is a half-heated attempt to diversify. Metrics will all be based on the primary revenue source, often without any real relation to the product or service at hand, so there's no real chance for any of them to take off.

BrenBarn 13 hours ago

My two reactions:

1) You could remove all references to tech from this and it would still be the same. For instance:

> Tech companies are run by small groups of people with the goal of making money1. Successful tech companies make a lot of money, by definition. They hire software engineers in order to continue doing the things that make that money, or to do new things that make more money.

All those things are true of all companies (if we replace "software engineers" with a more general term like "employees").

2) It always saddens me to see people talk a lot about how our entire society is geared towards making more and more money, without ever suggesting that this is bad.